DF WildKids – March 2016



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 Hi Kids, I’m Benny the Little Bear!  Welcome and  I’m happy that you are visiting to my page every month. In my page, I am sharing news and facts related to our planet and wildlife. When I was thinking about a topic to discuss this month with a hot coffee, a sudden thought stroked me, that is one of the hot topics of these days among the people who do care about environmental factors.

I think, you may heard about the word “Climate Change.” Yes, it is also known us Global Warming. As the name suggests, Global warming is nothing but the rising temperature on the surface of our planet. Discussing this topic will take more time and I will continue this same topic in our next meeting too. Now, lets see what this Climate change is and how it affects the environmental health of earth.


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Now lets see what causes global warming. The raising level of the gas,

Carbon-DI-oxide (CO2)

is the main reason of global warming.


Gases like CO2 and other green house gases trap large amount of heat emitted by the Sun. Since, these gases are very near to the earth surface, earth becomes very hot. Actually the temperature is directly related to the increasing amount of gases such as CO2.

Now, you may think, what raises the level of Carbon-DI-oxide in earth’s atmosphere. The fuels (petrol, diesel, etc.) used in vehicles, factories, machines, etc, and deforestation are the main factors of Global Warming. We know, trees breath in CO2 and give out Oxygen. When trees are decreased in numbers due to deforestation, the carbon based gases produced by human activities will remain in the earth’s atmosphere and raises the temperature of our planet by absorbing more heat from the sun.

It’s not so Cooool!

http://www.clker.com/cliparts/J/q/7/Q/Z/9/sun-glasses-md.pngApart from major part of the human activities, scientists  have given other reasons for climate change. You know, our earth revolves around the sun in an orbit and the changes in position of the earth causes seasons like winter, summer, autumn and spring. When the earth changes its orbit, it also affects the seasons that depend on the amount of  sunlight reaching the earth”s surface. So, this causes the changes in climate.http://www.clker.com/cliparts/5/a/6/1/1320998349629300711volcano_with_lava_PD.svg.med.png Solar emission, the power we get from the sun is also increased over ages, that’s why we get more heat from the surface of the sun. Scientists have also claimed that the increased frequencies of the eruptions of volcanoes are also contributing a significant part in Global warming.


Image source : Wikipedia Public Domain

Thanks to Global Warming 🙁 ,  year 2015 has been declared as the hottest year ever since 1880. Above is a temperature analysis diagram of our earth in the recent years. Could you see some dark orange color spots? They indicate the highly affected areas on earth due to Global warming. I think, now you know all the factors that make climate change.

>> What are the causes of Global warming?

>> How could we control that?

>> How does it affect our life on earth?

Want to know the answers?

Meet me in the next edition of DF WildKids! Bye for now!

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