Black Shouldered kite – Bird on stick, Bangalore

Black shouldered kite is known to hover over the grasslands looking for a prey and the most of the times I have seen it feeding on rodents and sometimes on small birds. The adult black shouldered kites have ruby red eyes while the juveniles have an yellow colored eyes. They are also known as black-winged kites.

Black Shouldered kite – Juvenile, Bangalore

Black shouldered kite is known to hover over the grasslands looking for a prey and the most of the times I have seen it feeding on rodents and sometimes on small birds. The adult black shouldered kites have ruby red eyes while the juveniles have an yellow colored eyes. They are also known as black-winged kites.

Black shouldered kite Juv hovering, Bangalore

Black shouldered kite is known to hover over the grasslands looking for a prey and the most of the times I have seen it feeding on rodents and sometimes on small birds. The adult black shouldered kites have ruby red eyes while the juveniles have an yellow colored eyes. They are also known as black-winged kites.

Bay backed shrike on lantana

Prey may be impaled upon a sharp point, such as a thorn. Thus secured they can be ripped with the strong hooked bill, but its feet are not suited for tearing. It is smallish shrike at 17 cm, maroon-brown above with a pale rump and long black tail with white edges.Shrikes are great posers as they perch right at the end of the twig but are very skittish as mostly they will fly away even when approached carefully.

Bay backed Shrike, Bangalore

Prey may be impaled upon a sharp point, such as a thorn. Thus secured they can be ripped with the strong hooked bill, but its feet are not suited for tearing. It is smallish shrike at 17 cm, maroon-brown above with a pale rump and long black tail with white edges.Shrikes are great posers as they perch right at the end of the twig but are very skittish as mostly they will fly away even when approached carefully.