Blood Pheasant – Male – Ruffled, Bhutan

Blood Pheasant - Male - Ruffled, Bhutan

Blood Pheasant – Male – Ruffled, Bhutan

Bhutan trip was two weeks of pure bliss – colossal mountains, undulating landscapes, air so fresh, people so friendly and fantastic bird life that is reflective of the country that goes by Gross national happiness and more importance to it than Gross domestic product.

It has been a long-standing wish to see and photograph the colorful birds of the Northeastern part of the Himalayas and this trip was an attempt to cover some of those jewels. Over the course of the next few months will share some of the images from the trip. The image here is of the of the Himalayan blood pheasant the I. c. cruentus sub species (Male). We saw about 40+ blood pheasants that day and more specifically this flock of 7 males and 2 females were nonchalant of our presence and were feeding and calling regularly.


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