Scarlett Minivet – female, Bhutan

Scarlett Minivet - female, Bhutan

Scarlett Minivet – female, Bhutan

The scarlet minivet is a small passerine bird. This minivet is found in tropical southern Asia from India to southern China, Indonesia, and the Philippines. They are common resident breeding birds in forests and other well-wooded habitats including gardens, especially in hilly country. While the male of most subspecies are scarlet to orange with black upper parts, the females are usually yellow with greyish olive upper parts. This minivet catches insects in trees by flycatching or while perched. It flushes insects out of foliage by beating its wings hard. Scarlet minivet will form small flocks. Its song is a pleasant whistling. This bird nests high up in the treetops. The nest is a cup-like structure woven with small twigs and spiders’ webs to increase the strength of the nest. The species is generally quite noisy. It is classified as least concern by IUCN.


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