Red Munia – Male, Mysore

A cute sparrow sized bird that is found in the open fields and grass lands across Asia especially near water. The name of the Genus of Red Munia belongs to is derived from the city of Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat state in India. The birds mainly feeds on grass seeds. You will easily observe a flock of these birds together and once in a while they do perch around and give you a split second opportunity frame them. The male bird wears the bright red plumage during the breeding time which is usually around the monsoon times. In areas around Bangalore it has been observed to have this plumage during October – November.  

DF WildKids – December 2016 – Video Edition

Dear Kids, Welcome to DF WildKids Magazine December 2016 video edition. Now, enjoy watching your DF WildKids video magazine and write your feedback to us. Click on the play button to play the video magazine! Your player may take some seconds to load, based on the internet speed. Pause the video, if you need more time to read then play to move further. In this same page you could see your favorite puzzles too! Happy Watching!   Write your comments / suggestions here.. Welcome to Puzzles and Quiz section of DF WildKids Magazine. In this page, every month new puzzles are added in all the following sections and you could play them any time. Happy Puzzling! Click on the images to play puzzles and Quiz. DF WildKids Magazine – December 2016 – Video Version Contents: Editors Talk – Write your feedback and win prizes! Slide Show of this Month Five Amazing Facts Panchatantra Stories Retold – The crane and the crab Bird Watching with chippy the blue bird Craft Corner – Paper Frog Sliding Puzzles Jigsaw Puzzles Picture Quizzes Word Puzzle with Benny

DF WildKids Magazine – November 2016 Video Edition

Dear Kids, Welcome to DF WildKids Magazine November 2016 video edition. Now, enjoy watching your DF WildKids video magazine and write your feedback to us. Click on the play button to play the video magazine! Your player may take some seconds to load, based on the internet speed. Pause the video, if you need more time to read then play to move further. In this same page you could see your favorite puzzles too! Happy Watching! Welcome to Puzzles and Quiz section of DF WildKids Magazine. In this page, every month new puzzles are added in all the following sections and you could play them any time. Happy Puzzling! Click on the images to play puzzles and Quiz. Write your comments / suggestions here.. DF WildKids Magazine – November 2016 – Video Version Contents: Editors Talk – Write your feedback and win prizes! Slide Show of this Month From a Birder’s Diary Five Amazing Facts Animal World Craft Corner – Paper Elephant Sliding Puzzles Jigsaw Puzzles Picture Quizzes Word Puzzle with Benny

Swinhoe’s minivet

Swinhoe’s minivet A first ever record of this species for Bangalore. We found this vagarant mixing with other minivets and glad to record this bird in Bangalore. Once we heard the sighting of this bird a quick check was made on the possible location and the next day morning (saturday) we were there to see if we can see this bird. We searched for an hour or so and then managed to sight this bird and also record a few images. Swinhoe’s minivet or brown-rumped minivet is a species of bird in the cuckooshrike family, Campephagidae. A bird that is commonly found in temperate forests, sub tropical or moist low land forests.

Montagu’s Harrier Female

Montagu’s Harrier Female The Montagu’s harrier is a migratory bird of prey of the harrier family. Its common name commemorates the British naturalist George Montagu. This was one of the boldest harrier seen, it would allow us approach very close and not get disturbed at all. In this particular scene the harrier was first seen early in the morning when the light was poor and then we made a full circle and came back after a couple of hours only to find this harrier perched in the same position. This sub adult seemed to be performing a Yoga pose for us.