Common Kestrel, Bangalore

  One of my favourite raptors and easily seen in the grasslands every winter. Much like the black-shouldered kite they also hover to catch the prey. They are also a part of the falcon family.

Common Stonechat, Bangalore

They are also called as The Siberian stonechat or Asian stonechat. This is a female of the species and is identified by the pale brown upper parts and head, white neck patches (not a full collar). This is a insectivorous bird and is classified as least concern.

Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark, Saswad

  This is a male of this species, it is about sparrow sized with a bill like that of a finch and has short legs. They feed on seeds and insects on the ground. This is also called as ash-crowned sparrow-lark, ashy-crowned finch-lark, black-bellied finch-lark.

Large Grey Babbler, Saswad

A fairly large babbler found in scrub, open forest and grass land. Always in flocks this individual along with others got down to the puddle of water to take a dip in the afternoon.