Brahminy Kite Juv

Just like black kite brahminy kite is also a scavenging bird feeding on dead fish and crabs by the rivers / lakes and ponds. This bird finds a place in the Hindu mythology as Garuda. Unlike the adult the Juvenile lacks the distinct white head and the markings.


A predominantly fish eating bird found all over the world near / in water bodies. This raptor while in flight looks like a gull. It usually flies along the water body and makes dives to taken on the fish. It is known to even get into the water to take the fish and has adapted its nostrils to close them when it dives in water.

Osprey take-off

This image shows an Osprey take-off with its catch – a fish. This raptor while in flight looks like a gull. It usually flies along the water body and makes dives to taken on the fish. It is known to even get into the water to take the fish and has adapted its nostrils to close them when it dives in water.

Forest Sentry

Hanuman Langur’s are one of most widespread langurs of the Indian subcontinent. They are also called as the gray langurs. The harsh bark like sound made by adult and subadult males when they sight a predator like Tiger or Leopard on the move acts as a warning call for other animals. Since they sit high on the trees and are able to alert other animals of predator movement we call them as the forest sentry.

White bellied woodpecker

White bellied woodpecker is one of the largest among the woodpeckers. It is also called as great black woodpecker. This is a female of the species identified by the lack of the red crown on the forehead.