Large Grey Babbler, Saswad

A fairly large babbler found in scrub, open forest and grass land. Always in flocks this individual along with others got down to the puddle of water to take a dip in the afternoon.

Lady Kestrel, Bangalore

  One of my favorite raptors that you could easily spot in the winters alon the grasslands across the country.A little far away image but loved the setting.

Pallid Harrier Female, Bangalore

Pallid Harrier is also known as the pale harrier, the male birds are in pale color. This is a female bird found her warming up on the sun one early winter (December) morning.

Indian Courser

A bird of the open dry country and found in groups. It runs on the ground and stops to pick on nsects mainly termites, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers. Loved the setting here with those lovely purple flowers in the grass.