Crested Serpent Eagle

  A predominantly snake eating bird found in the wooded forests – tropical forests. A pretty common eagle from the forests is classified as least concern by IUCN.

Cattle Egret Non-breeding plumage

A bird that undergoes magnificent transformation between the breeding and non breeding plummages – from the whites to the leg color. It is seen mainly around feeding cattle and hence the name. This was not seen much before 1952 in the Americas but seen abundantly now.

Grey Heron, Bangalore

A wading heron found near wetlands. Here in this image the feathers are ruffled. It is a native bird across temperate Asia and Europe. It does do local migrations based on the water availability. They are fairly sized birds with a wing span of over 6ft. This is probably a Juvenile bird as the forehead, sides of the head and the centre of the crown are greyish, whereas in adultsthese are whitish.

Tiggu cubs, Ranthambore

The two tiger cubs were a little further away from the track. The previous three safari was without any sightings. Hoping to see one in the last safari we ventured and for a good part of the drive there was no sightings and finally to the fag end we saw these two cubs in a sleepish mood a little far away from the safari track.

Tiggu cub, Ranthambore

The tiger cub was sitting a little further away from the track. The cub was resting while the mother was away and the sibling was sitting a little further away in the shade. This was just when the Sun about to say good bye, image made in the last few rays of the sun.