Lion-tailed macaque

  We observed this gang of LTM just before we reached Valparai. They were gorging on Jack fruits from the trees on the rain forest by the side of the road and that is when this individual decided to come down and strike a pose with his tail up. The name Lion Tailed Macaque is because of the similar looking tail of the Macaque and the Lion.

Wood Sandpiper

  A small wader and a long distance winter migrant known to fly about 2300 to 4500 kilo meters non stop. They usually breed in the sub artic wetlands and migrate to Africa, India and other parts of south Asia.

Pond Heron

A very common bird around the wetlands of India. This individual is in assuming breeding plumage. For some individuals during breeding season the legs turn to red color.

Makhna Elephant

A lone male elephant, but with no tusks. Makhna means tusk less., sometimes due to a genetic disorder the male elephant is unable to develop a tusk. The elephants are an Endangered species as per IUCN. The gentle giants are also called as Pachyderm – a reference to their thick skin and size. The wrinkled skin is moveable and contains a lot of nerve centers. Elephants are known for their intelligence and cognitive processing that is more than all other land animals. An adult elephant is a mega herbivore can consume more than 150kgs of plant matter in a day, as seen in this image.

Ashy Minivet

A long distant migrant and one of the surprise find of the 2015-16 winter around Bangalore. For a bird that is rare even a cluttery image like this will work :-). The male is grey above and whitish below. It has a black cap with a white forehead and there is a white band across the flight-feathers. The outer tail feathers are white. The bill and feet are black.