Solitary Braveheat, Kundapura

As we approached the gulls sitting in the back water / sea slowly the birds started to react and fly. The specific individual (Black Gull) did not seem perturbed and managed to stay put with one leg up – indicating a position to conserve energy.

Perched Osprey, Kundapura

  Although the trip to Kundapura was to see and capture images of the sea eagle, getting an Osprey as well was a bonus. Osprey is also also called as sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk and is a predominated fish eating bird. Osprey is not classified as a sea eagle and the osprey is unusual in that it is a single living species that occurs nearly worldwide.

Gulls and Terns, Kundapura

A flock of gulls and terns taking off as we attempted to approach them closer.