Tiggu cubs

Tiggu cubs An early March visit to Kabini gave us this opportunity to photograph this cute little cubs in the tiger tank area of Kabini, Nagarhole tiger reserve. A long wanted sighting of the cubs was fulfilled by this sighting. The image was made in extreme conditions in anti light and at the fag end of the safari in the morning, however for a first ever sighting of the cubs for me it was worth all the while. We were luck to get this image as from the next safari onwards due to some work going on in the water tank the access to the road near the tank was cut off.

Changeable hawk eagle – Juv

Changeable hawk eagle – Juv A juvenile changeable hawk eagle. This was perched right by the safari / game drive route. It was busy scanning the prey, the evening light was divine. The bird was very comfortable with our presence as can be seen in the picture – resting in one leg. This is a sign of the bird resting to conserve energy.