Common Kestrel, Bangalore

  One of my favourite raptors and easily seen in the grasslands every winter. Much like the black-shouldered kite they also hover to catch the prey. They are also a part of the falcon family.

Lady Kestrel, Bangalore

  One of my favorite raptors that you could easily spot in the winters alon the grasslands across the country.A little far away image but loved the setting.

Common Kestrel, Tirunelveli

One of my favourite raptors that you could easily spot in the winters alon the grasslands across the country.

Amur Falcon Male

  A long cherished desire to see and photograph this marathon migrant was fulfilled in the last month of 2016. This small falcon breeds in Siberia during summer and winters in Africa. It is a passage migrant in India while going to or from Siberia. In Nagaland India where they congregate in huge flocks there was rampant hunting and killing of this cute insect eating falcon. Due to the efforts of the conservationists the situation has vastly changed.

Eastern red-footed falcon

A long cherished desire to see and photograph this marathon migrant was fulfilled in the last month of 2016. This small falcon breeds in Siberia during summer and winters in Africa. It is a passage migrant in India while going to or from Siberia. In Nagaland India where they congregate in huge flocks there was rampant hunting and killing of this cute insect eating falcon. Due to the efforts of the conservationists the situation has vastly changed.