Swinhoe’s minivet

Swinhoe’s minivet A first ever record of this species for Bangalore. We found this vagarant mixing with other minivets and glad to record this bird in Bangalore. Once we heard the sighting of this bird a quick check was made on the possible location and the next day morning (saturday) we were there to see if we can see this bird. We searched for an hour or so and then managed to sight this bird and also record a few images. Swinhoe’s minivet or brown-rumped minivet is a species of bird in the cuckooshrike family, Campephagidae. A bird that is commonly found in temperate forests, sub tropical or moist low land forests.

Long Tailed Minivet

Long Tailed Minivet We were coming back from Pangot to Corbett, enroute we saw this bird sit in a twig over looking the valley. It was a chance sighting and all we could manage was one click before this flew away. This is marked as least concern as per the IUCN classification.