DF WildKids – July 2016 – Thoughts of Benny the Little Bear – The Tides

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Scientists have proved that moonlight and lunar cycle could change animal behaviors especially marine animals.

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THOUGHTS OF BENNY THE LITTLE BEAR [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “pulse” entry_delay= “0” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” keep= “yes” animate_on= “hover” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”]


Thoughts of Benny the Little Bear!

Hi friends, I am Benny the Little Bear! I am happy to see you again here… Sharing some thoughts and experiences with you!

It was a pleasant evening, and I had a nice walk on the windy beach side. Some of my friends were playing with the tides. It was an amazing holiday scene! I too enjoyed playing on the tides! Really, the tides, they were so entertaining and my thoughts were about how the tides are formed, what is making them, why sometimes they are furious, do the high or low tides cause any changes in the behavior of marine animals, etc.


Benny enjoying the tides with his friends!


Did any of you also wonder about the tides like me. Isn’t it? Though I know a little about them, the same night I asked my dad Bekky, about the tides to learn more on them in detail. He told me many facts and stories, and some of them was really interesting. Sharing them with all of you.

Moon’s gravity pull is high on Full Moon days!

Actually, tides are formed by the gravitational force or pull that are created by the moon and the sun. Moon’s effect on the tides is significantly high since it is very near to our planet. The moon’s gravitation force pulls the water surface of the earth and earth pulls the water towards it due to gravity. This causes some disturbance on the surface of seas and oceans and we have tides. Mostly, tides are formed in the middle of the seas and they are carried over all the way to the coastal lines.

Sun is also creating this type of gravitation pull since it is quite far from our planet the effect is less. If the sun, moon and earth are aligned, we have the maximum formation of tides. According to the geographical location of a place, the tides will be tough or weak.

http://www.clker.com/cliparts/2/4/f/6/11954371941446430571wave2_cefa_01.svg.med.pngDangerous tides like Tsunami and cyclonic tides are the exceptional cases and they are formed as an after-effect of earth quakes in the deep oceans or the heavy cyclones formed due to depressions and changes in weather.

Now the interesting part ! How the tides helps marine life? Actually, small living beings use the tides to move from one place to another place since the tides carry them with their force. Tides carry nutrients and food to small to large living organisms of marine life. Animals living in the oceans are affected by low and high tides and they change their movement to live and search food according to the tidal activities. Whales move in rising tides to save their energy while swimming. You know, fishermen use tide tables and they target the the low tide areas since they could get a good catch. At low tides, small fishes will be found in large groups in some areas not affected by the force of waves.

That’s all for now folks! C U all next month with more details! Bye!

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