Crested Serpent Eagle

  A predominantly snake eating bird found in the wooded forests – tropical forests. A pretty common eagle from the forests is classified as least concern by IUCN.


A predominantly fish eating bird found all over the world near / in water bodies. This raptor while in flight looks like a gull. It usually flies along the water body and makes dives to taken on the fish. It is known to even get into the water to take the fish and has adapted its nostrils to close them when it dives in water.

Osprey take-off

This image shows an Osprey take-off with its catch – a fish. This raptor while in flight looks like a gull. It usually flies along the water body and makes dives to taken on the fish. It is known to even get into the water to take the fish and has adapted its nostrils to close them when it dives in water.

White bellied woodpecker

White bellied woodpecker is one of the largest among the woodpeckers. It is also called as great black woodpecker. This is a female of the species identified by the lack of the red crown on the forehead.

Changeable hawk-eagle – Attitude

The stare , the look and attitude of a bold raptor, that’s what we saw with this individual. As with the tradition whenever we have seen a CHE perched in the open like this we have always spotted a tiger next. We did see the tiger tank female’s cubs after seeing this individual :-). A medium sized raptor that is seen in the southern and southeast Asian forests. This prefers well wooded areas sitting in the open branches under the forest canopy scanning for prey. The reason for the name changeable is because the occurrence of more than one form / morph of the bird. This eagle feeds on a variety of prey that includes birds, mammals, snakes and lizards. One of the most widespread and common Asiatic hawk-eagle species, their status is classified as least concern by IUCN.