Forest Sentry

Hanuman Langur’s are one of most widespread langurs of the Indian subcontinent. They are also called as the gray langurs. The harsh bark like sound made by adult and subadult males when they sight a predator like Tiger or Leopard on the move acts as a warning call for other animals. Since they sit high on the trees and are able to alert other animals of predator movement we call them as the forest sentry.

Mothers Care

  The gentle side of the Asia’s biggest land mammal is seen here in the image. The mother very protective of the young calf while feeding on the grass in Kabini backwaters.

Tuskers faceoff

  Two tuskers were crossing each other in the Kabini backwaters. Elephants when in a group are safer but lone tuskers are known to be aggressive and attack passer by.

Makhna Elephant

A lone male elephant, but with no tusks. Makhna means tusk less., sometimes due to a genetic disorder the male elephant is unable to develop a tusk. The elephants are an Endangered species as per IUCN. The gentle giants are also called as Pachyderm – a reference to their thick skin and size. The wrinkled skin is moveable and contains a lot of nerve centers. Elephants are known for their intelligence and cognitive processing that is more than all other land animals. An adult elephant is a mega herbivore can consume more than 150kgs of plant matter in a day, as seen in this image.