Steppe eagle in flight, Jorbeed

The steppe eagle is a bird of prey. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. The steppe eagle breeds from Romania east through the south Russian and Central Asian steppes to Mongolia. The European and Central Asian birds winter in Africa, and the eastern birds in India. Throughout its range it favours open dry habitats, such as desert, semi-desert, steppes, or savannah. Large numbers are seen at certain places such as Khare in Nepal during migration. As many as 15.3 birds per hour during October and November have been noted. The steppe eagle’s diet is largely fresh carrion of all kinds, but it will kill rodents and other small mammals up to the size of a hare, and birds up to the size of partridges. It will also steal food from other raptors. Like other species, the steppe eagle has a crop in its throat allowing it to store food for several hours before being moved to the stomach. The Steppe Eagle appears on the flag of Kazakhstan. It is also the National bird (animal) of Egypt and appears on its flag. It is classified as Endangered by IUCN.

Egyptian Vulture Juvenile, Jorbeed

The Egyptian vulture, also called the white scavenger vulture or pharaoh’s chicken, is a small Old World vulture and the only member of the genus Neophron. It is widely distributed; the Egyptian vulture is found from southwestern Europe and northern Africa to India. The contrasting underwing pattern and wedge-shaped tail make it distinctive in flight as it soars in thermals during the warmer parts of the day. Egyptian vultures feed mainly on carrion but are opportunistic and will prey on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They also feed on the eggs of other birds, breaking larger ones by tossing a large pebble onto them. The Egyptian vulture is usually seen singly or in pairs, soaring in thermals along with other scavengers and birds of prey, or perched on the ground or atop a building. On the ground, they walk with a waddling gait. They feed on a range of food, including mammal faeces (including those of humans), insects in dung, carrion, vegetable matter, and sometimes small animals. When it joins other vulture species at a dead animal, it tends to stay on the periphery and waits until the larger species leave. Healthy adults do not have many predators, but human […]

Tiggu cubs, Ranthambore

The two tiger cubs were a little further away from the track. The previous three safari was without any sightings. Hoping to see one in the last safari we ventured and for a good part of the drive there was no sightings and finally to the fag end we saw these two cubs in a sleepish mood a little far away from the safari track.

Tiggu cub, Ranthambore

The tiger cub was sitting a little further away from the track. The cub was resting while the mother was away and the sibling was sitting a little further away in the shade. This was just when the Sun about to say good bye, image made in the last few rays of the sun.

Golden Jackal, Ranthambore

One of the first sightings in the trip, the Jackal was on the run and probably heading back to its den. It went a little further away from where we saw first and then as typical of jackal turned around to look at our vehicle.