Starlings and Redvented bulbul, Corbett

A roadkill of the red vented bulbul was being cleansed by the starlings. We ere driving on the fringes of the Corbett forest where we first saw the starlings on the ground in a group. As we approached slowly we saw the roadkill. We then went a few feet away and waited for the starlings to make their appearance back .

Lesser Coucal

Lesser Coucal Another bird that is least concern as per IUCN. We were scanning for tigers in Bijrani where we sighted this. A sulker to get in the open was pure luck.
Jan 02

Oriental pied hornbill

Oriental pied hornbill We ought to have got a better image of this bird however the vehicle traveling before us stopped right below the bird and started clicking in thier mobile, chasing the bird away. The oriental pied hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris is an Indo-Malayan pied hornbill, a large canopy-dwelling bird belonging to the Bucerotidae family. Two other common names for this species are sunda pied hornbill (convexus) and Malaysian pied hornbill. The species is considered to be among the smallest and most common of the Asian hornbills. It has the largest distribution in the genus and is found in the Indian Subcontinent and throughout Southeast Asia. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. The oriental pied hornbill’s diet includes fruit, insects and small reptiles.
Jan 02

BTBE tossing bee

BTBE tossing bee
Jan 02

OHB chased by bees

OHB chased by bees