DF-WildKids-Feb2016- Chippy’s bird watching!

  [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ] [/edsanimate] Dear WildKids, I’m Chippy the blue bird. Welcome to the Bird Watching section of DF WildKids! I like to explore our beautiful planet and I love my bird world! Today, I am going to share some info about the various birds of this earth like their habitat, special features, behavior etc. Are you ready to fly with me? [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ] [/edsanimate] [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ][/edsanimate] Today, I am going to talk about a raptor, a bird of prey. Raptors are the birds which feed on other animals including small birds. I have a little fear on raptors 🙁  but, I know the way to escape . Great Escaper! Ok, coming to the point, I am going to discuss on the bird from the raptor family, the Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis). You know? Steppe eagles resemble the appearance of Tawny eagles, once they considered as they are closely related to Tawny eagle family. But now, they have been classified into a well defined family with unique features. [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ][/edsanimate] [edsanimate animation=”bounceIn” infinite_animation=”no” animate_on=”hover” ][/edsanimate] You can distinguish these eagles by comparing their gapes, the interior part of the bird’s open mouth. See this […]

DF-Wild Kids – Feb 2016 – Slider Puzzle

[edsanimate animation=”flash” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ] [/edsanimate] Hi Kids, Solve this Sliding Puzzle and find out the hidden image![slide-puzzle]   Tags: Wildlife magazine, wildkids magazine, Magazine, kids, wildlife, dfwildkids, wildkids, wild, mag, Kids, child, children, Magazine for children, free magazine for kids, free magazine online, Digital Frescos Magazine

DFWildKids – Jan2016- Highlights

DF WILDKIDS – JAN 2016 Highlights of this month!   Editor’s Talk! Word Search with Benny the Little Bear – Puzzle Wild Talk! Animal of this Month! Slide Puzzle of this Month! Learn to draw! Bird Watching with Chippy! Interactive Puzzle! Quiz Time!    

DF WildKids – Jan 2016 – Editor’s Talk!

          Dear Kids and Parents, Welcome to DF WildKids ! Enjoy reading this free online magazine every month from this new year 2016.   DF Wildkids focuses on educating and creating awareness of wildlife among the kids who are the future of this world. Young children need to understand the importance of nature, wildlife and its conservation to keep this planet green. All the contents of this magazine are based on animals, birds and nature which are the important elements of the wildlife. Happy reading!   Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for your valuable suggestions and comments.   Thanks, Team, Digital Frescos.com      

Welcome to DF WildKids Magazine – Jan 2016 Edition

[edsanimate animation=”tada” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]   [/edsanimate] Dear Kids, DF WILD KIDS Online Magazine welcomes you! We wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2016 ! DF WildKids online Magazine is best viewed in Firefox, Chrome and IE 10+ browsers. The interactive puzzle pages are best viewed in computers that are supported with mouse. For best viewing in cellphones, landscape mode is recommended. Click the “Next” arrow to view the magazine. Click here to explore DF WildKids!