DF-WildKids-Feb2016- Chippy’s bird watching!

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Dear WildKids, I’m Chippy the blue bird. Welcome to the Bird Watching section of DF WildKids! I like to explore our beautiful planet and I love my bird world! Today, I am going to share some info about the various birds of this earth like their habitat, special features, behavior etc. Are you ready to fly with me? [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]

chippysits [/edsanimate]

[edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]chippyfly[/edsanimate] Today, I am going to talk about a raptor, a bird of prey. Raptors are the birds which feed on other animals including small birds. I have a little fear on raptors 🙁  but, I know the way to escape . Great Escaper! Ok, coming to the point, I am going to discuss on the bird from the raptor family, the Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis).
You know? Steppe eagles resemble the appearance of Tawny eagles, once they considered as they are closely related to Tawny eagle family. But now, they have been classified into a well defined family with unique features.
[edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]chippysits[/edsanimate]
steppe vs. tawny[edsanimate animation=”bounceIn” infinite_animation=”no” animate_on=”hover” ][/edsanimate] You can distinguish these eagles by comparing their gapes, the interior part of the bird’s open mouth. See this image! First image is of the Steppe eagle and its gape is longer than the Tawny eagle that extends beyond the center of the eye. Steppe eagles are larger than Tawny eagle in size.

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I have seen Steppes (My nick name to Steppe Eagles, Hope you’re OK with this!) in European Russian countries like Kazakhstan,  Kyrgyzstan.

Mongolia, Siberia, Tibet, China, India, Africa and South Asia are some of the countries where I could spot them often. In winter, they migrate to Middle East from Russia and to South East Asia from Siberia. Good news is their conservation status is in LC – Least Concern. That’s good!

Steppe Eagle They could grow up to a height of 80-85 cm and weigh up to 3.5 kg. A broad wingspan (nearly 200 cm) gives a majestic look to this raptor. You know, Steppe means a region that is dry and grassy. Obviously, Steppe eagles love to live semi dry areas such as Savannas, shrub lands, deserts, grass lands and mountain regions. Normally, they feed on carcasses and carrion. Rodents like rats, squirrels, prairie dogs, rabbits and pigs are their favorite food. They could feed on small birds too.
Their breeding season starts by April and ends in May. Mostly they build their nests on grounds. Sometimes they build on higher elevations due to loss of habitat, habitat occupation by humans for agriculture, etc. You know, their huge round nests will be around 100 cm in diameter in which they manage to lay eggs and hatch them after 40-45 days. The young ones will take nearly 60 days to fly on their own. One fun fact! Don’t tell them! Their call is not as majestic as their look 😉 , yes, believe me! that is just like a crow’s “caw” . Ha! Ha!
[edsanimate animation=”bounceOutRight” duration=”17″ infinite_animation=”no” animate_on=”hover” ]
chippyfly[/edsanimate]OK, See you next month in another Bird Watching time! Bye for now! Chip! Chip!
[edsanimate animation=”bounceIn” infinite_animation=”no” animate_on=”hover” ]STEPPE[/edsanimate]


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