Green tailed sunbird – Male – upside down, Bhutan

The green-tailed sunbird or Nepal yellow-backed sunbird is a species of bird found in the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, stretching eastwards into parts of Southeast Asia. Its natural habitats are temperate forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. In southeast Szechwan and Yunnan, it lives in open mountain woods with moss-covered trees, from 1825 to 3350 meters elevation. It is classified as least concern by IUCN.

Grey Bushchat male, Bhutan

The grey bush chat is a species of passerine bird . It is found in the Himalayas, southern China, Taiwan, and mainland Southeast Asia. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest. It is classified as least concern by IUCN.

Grey headed canary flycatcher, Bhutan

The grey-headed canary-flycatcher sometimes known as the grey-headed flycatcher is a species of small flycatcher-like bird found in tropical Asia. It has a square crest, a grey hood and yellow underparts. They are found mainly in forested habitats where they often join other birds in mixed-species foraging flocks. Pairs are often seen as they forage for insects by making flycatcher-like sallies and calling aloud. Several subspecies are recognized within their wide distribution range. It is classified as least concern by IUCN.

Rufous-vented tit, Bhutan

The rufous-vented tit is an Asian songbird species in the tit and chickadee family. Some of its subspecies were formerly assigned to its western relative the rufous-naped tit. This tit is a native of the western Himalayas, but has a very large range, occurring in parts of Bhutan, China, Pakistan, India, Myanmar and Nepal. Its natural habitats are boreal forests and temperate forests.It is classified as least concern by IUCN.

White browed fulvetta – bathing, Bhutan

The white-browed fulvetta is a bird species found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, it is endemic to Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam. Its natural habitat is temperate forests. It seen here bathing on the pool by the road formed by sudden downpour. It is classified as least concern by IUCN.