Pallid harrier male sub adult assuing adult plummage, Talchappar

The pale or pallid harrier is a migratory bird of prey of the harrier family. It breeds in southern parts of eastern Europe and central Asia (such as Iran) and winters mainly in India and southeast Asia. It is a very rare vagrant to Great Britain and western Europe. long wings held in a shallow V in its low flight. It also resembles other harriers in having distinct male and female plumages.The male is whitish grey above and white below, with narrow black wingtips. It differs from the hen harrier in its smaller size, narrower wings, paler colour, and different wing tip pattern. The female is brown above with white upper tail coverts, hence females and the similar juveniles are often called “ringtails”. Her underparts are buff streaked with brown. This feeds on small mammals and birds and, especially in winter quarters, large insects. Takes advantage of demographic explosions of rodents. The image here is of a subadult male attaining the adult plummage as some of the feathers are turning into the pale color. It is classified asĀ  Near Threatened by IUCN.

Pallid Harrier Female

The pale or pallid harrier (Circus macrourus) is a migratory bird of prey of the harrier family. It breeds in southern parts of eastern Europe and central Asia The female is brown above with white upper tail coverts, hence females and the similar juveniles are often called “ringtails”. Her underparts are buff streaked with brown. Pallid harriers hunt small mammals, lizards and birds, surprising them as they drift low over fields and moors.and winters mainly in India and southeast Asia.