Bed of Thorns – 2

We were driving around in the grassland when we observed the black shouldered kite perched right up on a dead tree and continuously calling. To our surprise we saw another bsk come flying from behind and perch close by. Only then did we realize that the calling bird was the male and the one which arrived was the female.

Brahminy Kite Portrait

It was one of those days when we could approach this beautiful raptor up close and take some real close portraits. Just like black kite brahminy kite is also a scavenging bird feeding on dead fish and crabs by the rivers / lakes and ponds. This bird finds a place in the Hindu mythology as Garuda

Brahminy Kite Juv

Just like black kite brahminy kite is also a scavenging bird feeding on dead fish and crabs by the rivers / lakes and ponds. This bird finds a place in the Hindu mythology as Garuda. Unlike the adult the Juvenile lacks the distinct white head and the markings.

Fish stealer

The grey plumaged heron was wading through the edge of the water looking for prey. It waited patiently to and motionless to strike a blow and tach the fish. Just as it caught the fish it did not it was being watched by the Brahminy kite too which made a quick dash to snatch the prey. This image was made at that moment when the Bhrahminy kite made the attempt to steal the fish. However, the Grey heron was quick to react and jumped, flow away, to be chased by the Brahminy kite…however the kite was not successful in attempting to steal. The meal was made for the heron.

Black-winged kite – Mounting

Here you could see the male about to mount on the female…more black winged kites soon :-). The black-winged kite (Elanus caeruleus) is a small diurnal bird of prey in the family Accipitridae best known for its habit of hovering over open grasslands in the manner of the much smaller kestrels. This kite is distinctive, with long-wings, white, grey and black plumage and owl like forward-facing eyes with ruby red irises.These are classified as least concern by IUCN.