Temple peacock silhouette, DNP

The National bird of India with its flowing train is a sight to behold. The train of feathers which are spatula shaped in the tip and has a colorful eye is used to attract the female during courtship. An elaborate ritual of fanning of the train and a display to accompany with to attract the female. Whilst the male has the long train female – peahen lacks it. They feed on wild berries and seeds and also prey on snakes, lizards and rodents at times. The peacock here is sitting on top of a temple structure and is silhouetted against the sun.  These are classified as least concern by IUCN.

Peacock, Kabini

Iridescent blue green color of the National bird of India with its flowing train is a sight to behold. The train of feathers which are spatula shaped in the tip and has a colorful eye is used to attract the female during courtship. An elaborate ritual of fanning of the train and a display to accompany with to attract the female. Whilst the male has the long train female – peahen lacks it. They feed on wild berries and seeds and also prey on snakes, lizards and rodents at times. These are classified as least concern by IUCN.