DF WildKids – July 2016

Follow us on Facebook at  DF Wildkids @ FaceBook Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for your valuable suggestions and comments.   Reading Guidelines : Click the front page to read the Magazine. Click the “Next Page” to read on further. Click the browser’s Back button to go back to the previous page!

DF WildKids June 2016- Puzzles

DF Wildkids @ FaceBook  DF WildKids Home     Contact Us Back Issues Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for comments / suggestions. PUZZLE   –  WORD SEARCH   ********************************** Hi Kids, I’m Benny the Little Bear! Here is a word pool with words related to agriculture. The words to be searched by you will be displayed in the list shown on the right side. Drag and select a word to lock it and the locked word will be deleted from the list. Happy Puzzling! [wordsearch-mp ws_size=750 ws_dimension=12 mywordlist=’BIOTECHNOLOGY,CHAFF,CROP,DESERTIFICATION,ORGANIC,HORTICULTURE,PLANTATION,WINNOW,THRESH,TOPSOIL,PESTICIDES’]   Liked this Page? Write your comments / suggestions here..   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  

DF WildKids 2016 – Bird Watching with Chippy the Blue Bird – Owl

DF Wildkids @ FaceBook    DF WildKids Home     Owls are considered as a symbolic representation of wisdom.                     In some communities, owl are considered as bad luck, but in some parts of the world they are considered as birds of luck.                       Owls could rotate their head up to an angle of 270 degrees.                           The world’s smallest owl weighs nearly 30 grams only.   Contact Us Back Issues Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for comments / suggestions. Bird Watching with Chippy the Blue Bird   [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “tada” entry_delay= “0” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “infinite” keep= “yes” animate_on= “hover” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”] [edsanimate_end] Hi, I’m Chippy the Blue bird.  Welcome to my bird watching time! Today, there is a surprise for you! I’m sharing my bird watching experience with an wonderful bird at night. Any guesses? Yes, that is the magnificent bird, Owl. What comes to your mind when you think about this bird? Something creepy? Ha! Ha! […]

DF WildKids – June 2016 – Learn to draw

DF Wildkids @ FaceBook    DF WildKids Home   Contact Us Back Issues Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for comments / suggestions.   Learn to Draw Dear Kids, Welcome to Learn to draw Page. Let’s learn to draw an owl in few steps. Draw using a grid to get a perfect owl. Your comments / suggestions here..  

DF WildKids – Thoughts of Benny – Why is wildlife so important to us?

DF Wildkids @ FaceBook    DF WildKids Home   DF Wildkids wishes you all a successful academic year ahead! Contact Us Back Issues Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for comments / suggestions. Thoughts of Benny the Little Bear   [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “tada” entry_delay= “0” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_keep= “yes” animate_on= “hover” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”] [edsanimate_end] Hi Kids, Welcome to my page. DF WildKids is happy that you are paying visit to my pages every month. This month too, sharing some thoughts with you. Last week, I conducted an awareness program on wildlife and glad to see so many children attending the program with their parents. One interesting thing I happened to see was, one little kid was asking a question to his father – ‘Dad! Why should we care about wildlife since we live in this city?’ mm.. A common question from people who does not know the contribution of wildlife in the survival of human beings. I was closely watching the kid’s father to know how he convinces his kid. Those who have the same question in their mind, please read further to know the answers. The father of that kid started […]