DF WildKids- Feb2016 – Thoughts of Benny!

[edsanimate animation=”tada” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]Thoughts of Benny![/edsanimate] [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Click here to play/pause the audio!”] Hi Kids, I’m Benny the Little Bear!   In this page, I am sharing news on wildlife and talking about conservation activities. Last month, we saw some facts on deforestation. Today, I am sharing a news that I heard about an animal which is likely to be extinct. Yes, I am talking about the endangered species, the Sumatran Rhinoceros, which is also known as “Hairy Rhinos”. They have reddish brown hair on their body , which is not common in other kinds of Rhinos. You know,  White Rhinos, Javan Rhinos, Sumatran Rhinos, Indian Rhinos and Black Rhinos are the five different kinds of Rhinos! White and Black rhinoceros are found in Africa. Among these five different kinds, the Sumatran Rhinos are the smallest in size of Rhino family. According to a recent report, only a small number of Sumatran Rhinos (100 only) are living in this world and zoologists fear that without proper conservation activities these rhinos will be extinct in some years. Loss of habitat, demand for their horns in some medicines and the unlawful poaching are said to be the main causes […]

WildKids – Feb 2016 – Animal World!

  [edsanimate animation=”tada” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ] [/edsanimate] Animal of this Month! [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Click here to play/pause the audio!”] Hello Kids, Our animal of this month is “Sloth Bear”. Lets learn some interesting facts about this furry animal.[edsanimate animation=”tada” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ] [/edsanimate] Common Name : Sloth Bear               Family : Ursidae Zoological Name : Melursus ursinus Habitats : Dry and Wet forests, Grass lands, Caves and Burrows Height and Weight : A Sloth bear weighs upto  145 kg and grows up to a height of 130 to 150 cm. Life Span : 15-30+ years What are the special features of Sloth bears? As you know, bears are furry animals with large bodies. As a member of bear family, stumpy legs, long snouts, paws with five sharp claws and short tails are the common identity of Sloth bears. Unlike the giant bodied bears like brown and polar bears, Sloth bear has a furry mane around its face that makes its appearance unique. As an adaption to their habitats and life style, they have a special form of lip and palette that could be used to catch and swallow insects. The gaps between the […]

Bye! See you!

            [edsanimate animation=”swing” infinite_animation=”yes” animate_on=”hover” ]Thank You! [/edsanimate]   Dear Kids, Thanks for viewing DF Wild Kids Online Magazine. We will see you in the March 2016 edition with new pages. Click this logo to view the DF WildKids Magazine again! Please send us your feedback and comments ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magazine Design and Content by Team, DigitalFrescos Background Music by Mirras Musicals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         Tags: Wildlife magazine, wildkids magazine, Magazine, kids, wildlife, dfwildkids, wildkids, wild, mag, Kids, child, children, Magazine for children, free magazine for kids, free magazine online, Digital Frescos Magazine    

DF-WildKids-Feb 2016 – Jigsaw

  Dear Kids, Here is a Jigsaw puzzle of a beautiful scenery. Just click and and drop the jigsaw pieces in appropriate positions. Use the options in the bottom of this puzzle to view the image, ghost and to reset image. Happy Puzzling!

DF-WildKids-Feb2016-Find the Hidden Objects!

Dear Kids, Here is an image of an elephant. Six birds are hiding somewhere in this picture. Try to spot them out . All the best!  🙂 Click here to view the solution…