Pond Heron

A very common bird around the wetlands of India. This individual is in assuming breeding plumage. For some individuals during breeding season the legs turn to red color.

Makhna Elephant

A lone male elephant, but with no tusks. Makhna means tusk less., sometimes due to a genetic disorder the male elephant is unable to develop a tusk. The elephants are an Endangered species as per IUCN. The gentle giants are also called as Pachyderm – a reference to their thick skin and size. The wrinkled skin is moveable and contains a lot of nerve centers. Elephants are known for their intelligence and cognitive processing that is more than all other land animals. An adult elephant is a mega herbivore can consume more than 150kgs of plant matter in a day, as seen in this image.

Ashy Minivet

A long distant migrant and one of the surprise find of the 2015-16 winter around Bangalore. For a bird that is rare even a cluttery image like this will work :-). The male is grey above and whitish below. It has a black cap with a white forehead and there is a white band across the flight-feathers. The outer tail feathers are white. The bill and feet are black.

Fish stealer

The grey plumaged heron was wading through the edge of the water looking for prey. It waited patiently to and motionless to strike a blow and tach the fish. Just as it caught the fish it did not it was being watched by the Brahminy kite too which made a quick dash to snatch the prey. This image was made at that moment when the Bhrahminy kite made the attempt to steal the fish. However, the Grey heron was quick to react and jumped, flow away, to be chased by the Brahminy kite…however the kite was not successful in attempting to steal. The meal was made for the heron.

Barn Swallow

A very common bird from the rural area and semi open country side. These birds fly at a fast clip over the grass land and hawk the insects mid air. They are also very adaptable and are known to have expanded their presence to build nests in human constructions too. The swallows are also perform a fairly communal roost post nesting as we could see hundreds of them perched on the electric wires and often together.  A long distance winter migrant to Bangalore, these birds breed across the norther hemisphere and travel to the southern hemisphere during winters. These are classified as least concern by IUCN.