The fight continues

Here you could see that the Oriental white eye is on the left and the sunbird on the right, both showing their back. As the sunbird gets to move towards the white eye you can see the reaction of the white eye is to move back. This white eye is small (about 8–9 cm long) with yellowish olive upper parts, a white eye ring, yellow throat and vent. The belly is whitish grey but may have yellow in some subspecies. The sexes look similar. They forage in small groups, feeding on nectar and small insects. They are easily identified by the distinctive white eye-ring and overall yellowish upper parts. The purple rumped sunbird is also a small about 8-10 cm long bird, roughly the size of a humming bird. These small birds are usually seen feeding on the nectar from flowers, using their curved bill / beak.

Thick-billed Flowerpecker

Another tiny bird from the flower pecker group. They are very active birds always hoping from one tree to another feeding on fruits. They are birds from the well wooded country, and are another set of small birds about 10cm in length. They apart from the fruits and berries also like to eat spiders and insects occasionally. They are classified as least concern in the IUCN red list. Mostly seen solitary in the canopy and occasionally as a pair.


Here you could see that the Oriental white eye is on the right and the sunbird on the left, both showing their back. The sunbird gets to move away from the white eye you can see the reaction of the sunbird is to move back. This white eye is small (about 8–9 cm long) with yellowish olive upper parts, a white eye ring, yellow throat and vent. The belly is whitish grey but may have yellow in some subspecies. The sexes look similar. They forage in small groups, feeding on nectar and small insects. They are easily identified by the distinctive white eye-ring and overall yellowish upper parts. The purple rumped sunbird is also a small about 8-10 cm long bird, roughly the size of a humming bird. These small birds are usually seen feeding on the nectar from flowers, using their curved bill / beak.

Jerdons Leaf Bird

Leafbirds are colorful green (Predominantly) birds found in the forests of India. The jerdons leafbird (male) here is found in deciduous monsoon forests. The species is found in a large area in India and Srilanka too. This is predominantly a fruit and nectar eating bird but at times seen eating anthrapods too. The green color of the bird provides excellent camouflage in the canopy. The male and female can be easily distinguished based on the color of the bird.

Jerdons leaf bird

Leafbirds are colorful green (Predominantly) birds found in the forests of India. The jerdons leafbird (male) here is found in deciduous monsoon forests. The species is found in a large area in India and Srilanka too. This is predominantly a fruit and nectar eating bird but at times seen eating anthrapods too. The green color of the bird provides excellent camouflage in the canopy. The male and female can be easily distinguished based on the color of the bird.