Yellow eyed babbler

This is also an insect eater from the grass lands. The sexes are alike with rufous brown above and typical to its name has a yellow eye. This birds are typically sulks in tall grass and undergrowth. It pops out to have a clear view and suddenly vanishes back. It does not fly long distances, it is usually seen having a short and jerky flight. It is found in the subcontinent. The bird here is seen drying itself after a dip in the water providing for the water droplets around the forehead and around the eye.

Thick billed flower pecker

Another tiny bird from the flower pecker group. They are very active birds always hoping from one tree to another feeding on fruits. They are birds from the well wooded country, and are another set of small birds about 10cm in length. They apart from the fruits and berries also like to eat spiders and insects occasionally. They are classified as least concern in the IUCN red list. Mostly seen solitary in the canopy and occasionally as a pair.

Jungle Bush quail

Quails are small sized birds found across the world. There are roughly 15 species of quails in the world. The image here is of the jungle bush quail. The male is on the left characterized by the black and white rings across the body. They primarily feed on seeds, Jowar, Bajra etc. At times the quails are seen to eat worms and grass hoppers too. These birds are very shy, a single move will make the entire group run away or fly away if threatened. Jungle bush quail gets to about 14 centimeter. This is classified as least concern in the IUCN classification.

Baya Weaver Male

The male bird, the master craftsman who builds a nest that can last a full season – upto 3 months for its usage and then abandoned for other birds like silverbill etc which use the abandoned nests. The whole activity of building the nests is to woo a mate. The nests are made of blades of grass that are bought and weaved together to make a looped attachment to a branch or a hanging cable, different chambers and a tube shaped entrance.  The weaver birds are also known to knot together the grass blades using their beak…at times even doing a reverse knot. To build a nest the bird makes on an average anything upwards of 500 trips.

Black headed munia

Tricolored munia just about to take a dip in the water. A small cute bird of roughly 12 cm in length. They feed on grains like grass seeds, rice, millet. They feed from the ground or use their claws to climb the grass blades and feed from the seed heads. Seen around swamps, marshes, grass land, rice fields. These birds lives together in small / large flocks. It is sometimes observed to use the nest of streaked weaver.