DF WildKids Magazine – Jan 2017

Digitalfrescos.com wishes you a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year! ** DF WildKids completes its first year successfully! Thanks to kids and parents for their support! ** Welcome to DF WildKids Magazine January 2017 video edition.  Now, enjoy watching your DF WildKids video magazine and write your feedback to us. Click on the play button to play the video magazine! Pause the video, if you need more time to read then play to move further. In this same page you could see your favorite puzzles too! Happy Watching! Write your comments / suggestions here.. Welcome to Puzzles and Quiz section of DF WildKids Magazine. In this page, every month new puzzles are added in all the following sections and you could play them any time. Happy Puzzling! Click on the images to play puzzles and Quiz. DF WildKids Magazine – January 2017 – Video Version Contents: Editors Talk Slide Show of this Month Five Amazing Facts Geo Talk From the birders diary Craft Corner – Paper Lion Sliding Puzzles Jigsaw Puzzles Picture Quizzes Word Puzzle with Benny

Tiger, Nagarhole | Kabini

This tiger was hiding in the bushes in Nagarhole, Kabini. This fellow did not move out until later in the evening (around 6.20) as we had to exit the park by 6.30 PM. This is a high ISO – 3200 image on extreme low light. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and the national animal of India. There used to be a time when there was over 8 subspecies of tiger across the world but three of them are extinct. India houses more than half of the world tigers and the tigers found in India are called as the Royal Bengal Tiger.  They mainly feed on deer, Wild pigs, Bison. As an apex predator in their territory they are hunted for Body parts thereby they are listed as Endangered as per IUCN, mainly due to hunting and habitat loss.

Tiger by the pool

This tiger had come in for a dip in the pool in Nagarhole, Kabini. This was a male tiger which was known by the name Backwater Male. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and the national animal of India. There used to be a time when there was over 8 subspecies of tiger across the world but three of them are extinct. India houses more than half of the world tigers and the tigers found in India are called as the Royal Bengal Tiger. They mainly feed on deer, Wild pigs, Bison. As an apex predator in their territory they are hunted for Body parts thereby they are listed as Endangered as per IUCN, mainly due to hunting and habitat loss.

DF WildKids – Animal World – July 2016

DF Wildkids @ FaceBook       Bengal and Siberian Tigers are the tallest tigers. Tiger is the national animal of India. Tigers could leap at a distance of 33 feet.     One out of twenty tiger’s attacks for food are successful.   Siberian Tigers could weigh up to 300 kg. A tiger could survive for two weeks without food. Tigers are strong swimmers and they could swim even 25 km in a day.             Tigers could eat 35 kg of meat at a time. Contact Us Back Issues Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for comments / suggestions.   Animal of this Month – TIGER Name : TIGER – Panthera Tigris Habitat : Grass Lands, Mangroves and in tropical forests Life Span : 20 – 25 years   About the physical structure of tigers….  The physical appearance of these beautiful orange furred animals is unique. The vertical black colored stripes all over the orange body makes their appearance an interesting one and the patterns found on their body is different from tiger to tiger. People who are involved in the activities like tiger census would use the patterns on their body to identify tigers. Not only […]

DF WildKids – July 2016

Follow us on Facebook at  DF Wildkids @ FaceBook Write to team@digitalfrescos.com for your valuable suggestions and comments.   Reading Guidelines : Click the front page to read the Magazine. Click the “Next Page” to read on further. Click the browser’s Back button to go back to the previous page!