Common hawk cuckoo, Bangalore

It is also known as the brain fever bird, the name is associated because of the call this bird makes. This is a brood parasite – meaning it relies on other birds to raise its young. The egg is of blue color much like babblers. The hatchling disburses off the egg of the host and the foster parents rear it. Common hawk-cuckoo is categorized as least concern by IUCN.

Thick Billed flower pecker, Bangalore

This species flowerpecker is about 10 cm long (slightly bigger than pale billed flowerpecker) and has a dark stout beak and short tail. They are dark grey brown above and dull greyish with diffuse streaking on light buffy underparts. Like other flowerpeckers they feed mainly on berries, nectar but sometimes eat insects too. This is classified as least concern bu IUCN.

pale and thick billed flower peckers

For comparison – Pale-billed flowerpecker and Thick-billed flowerpecker in the same perch. Pale billed is to the left and the thick billed is to the right of the frame.

Greater Coucal, Bangalore

They are large, crow-like with a long tail and coppery brown wings and found in wide range of habitats from jungle to cultivation and urban gardens. They are weak fliers, and are often seen clambering about in vegetation or walking on the ground as they forage for insects, eggs and nestlings of other birds. In some parts of Karnataka they are called as Kembootha. It is always a pleasure to see a skulker pose in the open and in good light!

Black Shouldered kite – Bird on stick, Bangalore

Black shouldered kite is known to hover over the grasslands looking for a prey and the most of the times I have seen it feeding on rodents and sometimes on small birds. The adult black shouldered kites have ruby red eyes while the juveniles have an yellow colored eyes. They are also known as black-winged kites.